Bringing “Storytime” to ALL children.

The seeds of who one grows to become are sown within our most treasured picture books. “Storytime” with loved ones at home is a priceless experience and critical in developing a child’s intellect, shaping their impressionable character, and building strong familial bonds.

Sadly, seven (7) out of ten (10) families in low-income households do not own ANY books for their children. This is a reality for far too many families who are missing out on all the important literacy and personal benefits that storytime offers.

The Shayla Shares Foundation, founded by Michael & Dina Dotsikas, recognizes the precious experience of storytime at home and the importance of fostering a “love of reading” in all children. A not-for-profit charitable organization, the Shayla Shares Foundation is designed to support the literacy needs of disadvantaged and underserved communities around the world. Through our unique gifting programs, the foundation provides in-need families with “Literacy Care Packs”—gift bundles that include quality new books along with special items associated with each book—to make a child’s reading experience even more fun, engaging, and exceptionally memorable.

Inspired by Michael’s whimsical children’s picture book, Where Are Shayla’s Socks?, the Shayla Shares Foundation’s mission is simple—to cultivate a “love of reading” in ALL children through essential at-home “storytime” experiences so that they gain crucial literacy skills, while building loving & lasting connections with their families—all of which paves their way towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

Join our movement to make a significant impact on children’s lives, because EVERY child deserves the same fundamentals for success.